MBI Videos
CBMS Conference: Elastic Functional and Shape Data Analysis (EFSDA)
Karthik Bharath, Anuj Srivastava
- Statistical modeling of functional data: Karcher mean, multiple registration, fPCA in quotient space.
- Curves on manifolds: smoothing splines.
- Trajectories on Manifolds: issues; transported SRVFs, vector bundle representations, tangent bundle representation.
Anuj Srivastava
- Goals and motivation; past approaches; Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.
- Representations of surfaces: coordinate functions, gradient field, surface normal, 1nd fundamental form, 2nd fundamental form.
- Registration problem; elastic Riemannian metric; square-root normal fields (SRNFs); inversion problem; shape geodesics.
- Statistics of shapes: sample mean, shape PCA, shape models, clustering and classification; symmetric shapes.
Eric Klassen, Anuj Srivastava
- scalar FDA
- characterization of orbits
- existence of optimal matching for piecewise-linear curves
- C1 functions
Anuj Srivastava
- Goals and motivation; Past approaches in shape analysis; shape-preserving group actions; Kendall's shape analysis; active shape models; registration problem; non-elastic framework.
- Elastic Riemannian metric; SRVF; open curves and closed curves; shape geodesics.
- Statistics of shapes: sample mean, shape PCA, shape models, clustering and classification; symmetric shapes.
Anuj Srivastava
- Background from geometry and algebra: manifolds, Riemannian metric, geodesics, exponential and inverse exponential map, Karcher/Frechet means; functional spaces of interest: set of probability density functions (pdfs), set of warping functions, group, group actions, quotient spaces.
- Phase variability and the registration problem; L2 metric and pinching problem; dynamic programming algorithm; penalized L2 metric.
- Invariance, square-root velocity function (SRVF); Fisher-Rao Riemannian metric; change of variables; registration using SRVFs; exact solution and approximation; quotient space metric, amplitude and phase distances.
Anuj Srivastava
- Introduction and motivation.
- Function Spaces: norms, Hilbert space; L2 metric; complete orthonormal basis; sample mean, sample covariance; functional Principal Component Analysis (fPCA); functional regression models; generative models for functional data; least squares curve fitting.
Zhengwu Zhang
Advanced brain imaging techniques make it possible to measure individuals' structural connectomes in large cohort studies non-invasively. The structural connectome is initially shaped by genetics and subsequently refined by the environment. It is extremely interesting to study structural connectomes and their relationships to environmental factors or human traits, which motivates the routine collection of high-resolution connectomes in large human studies (e.g., the Human Connectome Project and UK Biobank). However, there is a fundamental gap between the state of the art in image acquisition and the tools available to reconstruct and analyze the connectome data, due to the complexity of data. This lecture aims at introducing our recent effort in the thread. More specifically, we will introduce a population-based structural connectome (PSC) mapping framework to reproducibly extract binary networks, weighted networks, and streamline-based brain connectomes. In addition, various novel methods of analyzing the outputs of PSC will be introduced. We will also introduce a user-friendly software package that implements the PSC and the analysis methods.
Veera Baladandayuthapani
Modern scientific endeavors generate high-throughput, multi-model datasets of different sizes, formats, and structures at a single subject-level. In the context of biomedicine, such data include multi-platform genomics, proteomics and imaging; and each of these distinct data types provides a different, partly independent and complementary, high-resolution view of various biological processes. Modeling and inference in such studies is challenging, not only due to high dimensionality, but also due to presence of rich structured dependencies such as serial, spatial, graphical, functional and shape-based correlations. This talk will cover probabilistic frameworks that acknowledge and exploit these inherent complex structural relationships to develop regression and clustering models, that extract maximal information from such data. These approaches will be illustrated using several biomedical case examples especially in oncology.
Laurent Younes
Registration (for curves, surfaces or images) can be seen as a representation of a shape dataset as a subset of the diffeomorphism group, each shape in the dataset being associated with an optimal deformation of a template. We will in particular focus on methods that compute this deformation by optimizing a distance over diffeomorphisms under the constraint of mapping a template to a target, and such that the minimized distance is in turn a metric in shape space. These “metric registration� methods include a large spectrum of algorithms deriving from the “large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping� (LDDMM) framework, and “metamorphosis� in which non-diffeomorphic shape variations are also allowed. We will describe mathematical foundations and algorithms, and the various forms that these methods may take in relation to applications.
Eric Klassen, Anuj Srivastava
In previous talks, SRVF method has been discussed as a powerful and efficient way to analyze collections of curves in a Euclidean space. However, in many applications the data to be analyzed consists of trajectories in a manifold, rather than in a Euclidean space. Examples include hurricane paths on the surface of the earth, paths of covariance matrices that arise in the study of brain connectivity, and paths of images that lie in a shape space. The comparison of curves in a manifold is more subtle than in a Euclidean space, because one cannot subtract velocity vectors that lie in two different tangent spaces! In this talk, we discuss several methods of adapting the SRVF method to this situation, and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of each method.