MBI Videos
2014 MBI-CAMBAM-NIMBioS Summer Graduate Program: Rhythms
Lecture 8: Bifurcations and clock classification
Lecture 9: Optimality
Lecture 10: Synchrony and Entrainment
Marty Golubitsky
This talk reviews work on quadrupedal gaits and on a generalized model for binocular rivalry (proposed by Hugh Wilson). Both applications show how rigid phase-shift synchrony in periodic solutions of coupled systems of differential equations can help understand high level collective behavior in the nervous system.
Lecture: John Tyson - Cell Cycle
Lecture: Arthur Sherman - Glycolytic and Metabolic Ocillations
Lecture: Victoria Booth - Rhythms in Sleep
Lecture: Fred Guichard - Ecological Rhythms
Lecture 3: Simulation and model reduction
Lecture 2: Choosing the right equations
Lecture 1: Basic principles and key questions
Lecture 4: Fitting to data
Lecture 5: Oscillations from feedback loops
Lecture 6: Noise, temperature and environmental changes
Lecture 7: Phase response curves