MBI Videos
Bonnie Firestein
Bonnie Firestein
The precise patterning of dendrites is important for determining how information is processed by a neuron. The neuron cannot receive appropriate information when there is an abnormal decrease in dendrite branching. Thus, disruption of proper signaling networks results. We and others have made significant progress on characterizing extracellular and intrinsic factors that regulate dendrite number or branching by altering cytoskeletal dynamics. Generally, changes to the dendritic arbor are assessed by Sholl analysis or simple dendrite counting. However, we have found that this general method often overlooks local changes to the arbor. We have developed a program (titled "Bonfire") to facilitate digitization of neurite morphology and subsequent Sholl analysis and to assess changes to root, intermediate, and terminal neurites. More recently, we have studied how microtubule dynamics are altered when changes occur to the dendritic arbor. Our future goal is to combine Sholl analysis and microtubule dynamic studies to understand how dendrites assume specific morphologies.