MBI Videos
Joshua Goldwyn
Joshua Goldwyn
Membrane potential (Vm) is the standard representation of neural activity at the single-cell level. Vm represents the difference between intracellular voltage and extracellular voltage (Vm = Vi-Ve), where extracellular voltage (Ve) is generated by the combined activity of many neurons. I will explore the connection between these cell-level and population-level signals. I use a combination of mathematical modeling and data analysis to draw insights regarding the dynamics of neurons and synaptic currents in the auditory brainstem. In addition, I use simulations to show that extracellular voltage -- often thought of as a byproduct of neural activity -- may in fact modulate neural activity and influence neural computations.
This work is in collaboration with John Rinzel (New York University) and the Laboratory of Auditory Neurophysiology at the University of Leuven (director: Philip Joris)