MBI Videos
Suzanne Lenhart
Suzanne LenhartOptimal control techniques of ordinary and partial differential equations will be introduced to consider management strategies for two different aquatic populations. In the first example, managing invasive species in rivers can be assisted by adjustment of flow rates. Control of a flow rate in a partial differential equation model for a population in a river will be used to keep the population from moving upstream. The second example represents a food chain on the Turkish coast of the Black Sea. Using data from the anchovy landings in Turkey, optimal control of the harvesting rate of the anchovy population in a system of three ordinary differential equations (anchovy, jellyfish and zooplankton) will give management strategies.
Suzanne Lenhart
Two examples with optimal control techniques to perform management actions in models with infectious dynamics will be presented. One model with a system of ODEs has predator-prey interactions with disease dynamics in the predator population; one control action increases the level of infection, causing a decrease in the predator population. The second model is a PDE system representing Zika spreading across a state in Brazil; the control varying in space and time is a vaccination rate.
Suzanne LenhartOptimal control will discussed as a tool to find intervention strategies in models for invasive species. Examples of optimal control of discrete time systems and of systems of ordinary differential equations will be given. Control characterizations and numerical results for models with different types of control intervention actions will be presented. Applications include nascent foci and native-invasive competition examples.
Suzanne Lenhart
Pest species can affect the sustainability of some natural resources. Optimal control theory can be used to choose management strategies in models in involving a resource population and a pest population. Illustrative examples on managing gypsy moth populations will be given; issues of spatial spread will be included.
Suzanne Lenhart
Suzanne Lenhart