MBI Videos
Odo Diekmann
Odo DiekmannIn 1927 Kermack and McKendrick introduced and analyzed a rather general epidemic model (nota bene : their model takes the form of a nonlinear renewal equation and the familiar SIR model is but a very special case !). The aim of this lecture is to revive the spatial variant of this model, as studied in the late seventies by Horst Thieme and myself (see the AMS book 'Spatial Deterministic Epidemics' by L. Rass and J. Radcliffe, 2003).
The key result is a characterization of c_0 , the lowest possible speed of travelling waves and the proof that c_0 is also the asymptotic speed of epidemic propagation. -
Odo Diekmann
Despite the fact that the speaker is NOT an expert in the area of antibiotic resistance, he takes this opportunity to draw the attention of the audience to the subject. The reason is that antibiotic resistance poses such a big threat for our society. The hope is that the formulation and analysis of mathematical models may play in the future a bigger role in reducing this many-faceted problem, than it has so far. For concreteness, a few specific examples of models and their use are presented.
Odo DiekmannDespite the pretentious title, the talk will just consist of a few loose remarks followed by a brief description of Linear Chain Trickery (i.e., a characterization of kernels for delay equations that allow reduction to ordinary differential equations) mainly in the context of epidemic models.