MBI Videos
Yuan Lou
Yuan LouWe will discuss several reaction-diffusion models for the spread of disease in heterogeneous environment. The first is an SEIR model in spatially heterogeneous environment, in which we investigate the effect of movement of exposed and infected populations. This is a joint work with Pengfei Song and Yanni Xiao. The second is an SIS model in spatially heterogeneous and time-periodic environment, and our focus is on the effect of frequency and dispersal. This is a joint work with Shuang Liu.
Yuan Lou
From habitat degradation and climate change to spatial spread of invasive species, dispersal plays a central role in determining how organisms cope with a changing environment. How should organisms disperse “optimally� in heterogeneous environments? I will discuss some recent development on the evolution of dispersal, focusing on finding evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) for dispersal.