MBI Videos
Anne Shiu
Anne ShiuChemical reaction networks taken with mass-action kinetics are dynamical systems governed by polynomial differential equations that arise in systems biology. In general, establishing the existence of (multiple) steady states is challenging, as it requires the solution of a large system of polynomials with unknown coefficients. If, however, the steady state ideal of the system is a binomial ideal, then we show that these questions can be answered easily. This talk focuses on systems with this property, and we say such systems have toric steady states. Our main result gives sufficient conditions for a chemical reaction system to admit toric steady states. Furthermore, we analyze the capacity of such a system to exhibit multiple steady states. An important application concerns the biochemical reaction networks networks that describe the multisite phosphorylation of a protein by a kinase/phosphatase pair in a sequential and distributive mechanism. No prior knowledge of chemical reaction network theory or binomial ideals will be assumed.
This is joint work with Carsten Conradi, Mercedes Pérez Millán, and Alicia Dickenstein. -
Anne ShiuWhen taken with mass-action kinetics, which reaction networks admit multiple steady states? What structure must such a network possess? Mathematically, this question is: among certain parametrized families of polynomial systems, which families admit multiple positive roots (for some parameter values)? No complete answer is known, although various criteria now exist---some to answer the question in the affirmative and some in the negative. In this talk, we answer these questions for the smallest networks—those with only a few chemical species or reactions. Our results highlight the role played by the Newton polytope of a network (the convex hull of the reactant vectors). It has become apparent in recent years that analyzing this Newton polytope elucidates some aspects of the long-term dynamics and can be used to determine whether the network always admits at least one steady state. What is new here is our use of the geometric objects to determine whether a network admits steady state. Finally, our work is motivated by recent results that connect the capacity for multistationarity of a given network to that of certain related networks which are typically smaller: we are therefore interested in classifying small multistationary networks, and our results form the first step in this direction.